We show all our users the difference of using kodvizit software.
We try to provide all the requests of our users in the most accurate and fast manner with fast service under all circumstances, professional perspective and solution-oriented understanding.
About Us
Serving hundreds of customers in the IT, technology and technical support services sector, Aydemirler Şti has always been one of the pioneers of the innovations required by the current conditions by carefully following the changing technological conditions and sectoral developments. In line with the business discipline, quality and long-term service understanding, customer recommendation and growth target, our company, which is always behind its works and with its customers, has established its professional team for the relevant field and has deepened its knowledge, equipment and infrastructure in its services with its expert team; has expanded its field of study.
Aydemirler Sti, aiming to achieve success in the IT, software and technical support sectors, includes Servishane and Kodvizit Software companies.